Thursday, November 28, 2013

"Said So What" (French Kicks)

French Kicks is (was?) a New York indie band.  The little I know about them is that the band was formed in Brooklyn in the late 90s by three guys from Ohio's Oberlin College and another guy from Princeton.  One of them went on to work for the website Etsy in the late 2000s, and the band hasn't released much since.
Nevertheless, what the band did release over the years is pretty compelling stuff.  Especially 2008's Swimming, which is solid from start to finish.  Their sound conjures up the more ethereal and grooving sides of My Morning Jacket/Jim James (minus the alt country leanings) with a touch of off-kilter pop goodness à la Big Star/Alex Chilton and Lindsey Buckingham circa Tusk or Law and Order.
One standout track from Swimming is "Said So What."  I first heard the song on college radio (WKNC) one night in Raleigh, NC, after a particularly shitty day at work.  I'm still not sure about any of the lyrics.  From what I've been able to pick out, it seems like the narrator is addressing someone who is living life like it's his/her own personal drugstore, and despite letting this individual know that he is willing to stick by him/her, he still can't help but ask, "Why?"
For me, it was the mystery and murk of the verses, followed by that indelible Why, tell me, why / I don't know in the chorus, that grabbed me that evening.  I personally felt as if I were fighting an uphill battle with no chance of victory, and that harmonious refrain Why, tell me, why and the ultimate reply I don't know fit perfectly at that moment.  
It's just a well-crafted, tastefully produced song that I tend to revisit, over and over.  Just wish French Kicks would make more music one day.

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