Wednesday, February 4, 2015

"Eyes Without a Face" (Billy Idol)

Billy Idol is not one of my favorite performers.  Maybe this is an inaccurate characterization, but he always felt a little too manufactured to me: a sneering punk robot, programmed to appeal to the masses.  Even as a child, I could see that The Clash, The Ramones, etc. were a totally different species of rocker than Idol, despite his similar leather and studs look.  (All those hours of playing "One of These Things Is Not Like the Other" no doubt paid off.)
But damned if Idol's "Eyes Without a Face" from Rebel Yell (1983) isn't one of the better pop/rock songs of the early 80s.  That wistful, Gothic ballad portion with the haunting backing vocal from Idol's then-girlfriend Perri Lister, singing/sighing Les yeux sans visage ("eyes without a face"), lures me in, and then that screaming, slashing guitar portion by Steve Stevens just seals the deal.  
Incidentally, Idol borrowed the track's title from a 1960 French film called Les Yeux Sans Visage.  I saw a good bit of the film in college when I was doing research for a paper in a film criticism class.  (It actually was a much more challenging class than it might sound, by the way.)  Although it's generally labeled a horror flick, the movie is more of a Hitchcock/Serling-esque twisted thriller about a brilliant, but sickly obsessive, surgeon whose young daughter is disfigured in an accident.  To quell his guilt about the mishap, he sets about trying to find a new face to surgically graft onto his daughter's.  Ultimately, he and his assistant kidnap and kill countless, unsuspecting young women in an attempt to steal their faces.  In the meantime, the daughter is locked away in her dad's gigantic mansion, left to wander its halls with this plaster mask over her face with only her eyes showing.  It's an unsettling, artsy film with a moralistic message about the nature of obsession and obsession with physical beauty.
Anyway, Idol's song only relates to the film inasmuch as his protagonist feels that his girlfriend has become someone he no longer recognizes, i.e. "eyes without a face."
So there ya go.  It's a hydrogenated fat-filled cheeseburger of a song, and I savor every moment of it.

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